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Optometrists LOVE This New At-Home Vision Test (And Why You Will Too)



I never realized how much I hated taking eye exams at the optometrist… until I recently started giving myself the exams. At home.

And let me tell you: I will NEVER take an eye exam at my Optometrist’s office again.

I know what you’re thinking. “Taking eye tests at home? There’s no way a medical professional would approve of that.”

Get this: My Optometrist was the one who recommended the at-home tests. There’s a very good reason, too…

The Problem With Taking Eye Exams At The Optometrist

You see, when you take a test with your Optometrist, it’s testing your vision during a single moment in time. And the results from a single test are NOT perfect. They won’t be completely wrong… but they won’t be completely right, either.

You could be nervous. Maybe you drank too much coffee, which can temporarily blur your vision. The doctor might be in a rush. All these factors can affect your test results.

That’s why the trick to getting perfect prescription glasses is to take more than one eye exam and find the average. However, your Optometrist only has the option to give you one test at a time. This means you could be wearing glasses that are okay… but far from perfect.

Optometrists are aware of this problem, but their hands are tied. In-office appointments are already expensive and stressful for patients – imagine having to visit (and pay for) the Optometrist 3x more often… No thanks.

When patients are able to give themselves eye exams – and get trustworthy results – we ALL save time and money. Plus, Optometrists have access to better information, allowing them to do a better job.

Requiring multiple exams before receiving a prescription wasn’t practical (or affordable) before… but recent advancements in the power of your smartphone have finally made it a reality.

It’s all thanks to a new invention called the EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker.

What Is The EyeQue – And What Makes It So Special?

The EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker uses MIT-patented technology to turn your smartphone into a personalized, fully functional vision test that takes about 3 minutes to complete.

To start the test, you simply attach the EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker to your phone and follow the on-screen instructions. The test is simple– almost like a game. You simply adjust two lines (one red, one green) using buttons on your phone until they blend into a single yellow line.

The test gives you a precise reading of your eye measurements – including Sphere, Cylinder and Axis readings (the essential measurements used to create accurate eyeglass prescriptions).

I use these results, called EyeGlass Numbers, to order new eyeglasses online – by myself. I love the freedom of choice this gives me – but on top of this, EyeQue saves your test results to the cloud, which allows you to track them over time and share with your Optometrist.

This is the part that has Optometrists so excited. When you take your own eye exams, you make your Optometrist’s job much easier – and you can even stop a dangerous disease before it strikes. Here’s what Dr. Paul Gibson, a UK optometrist, had to say about EyeQue:

“I think that the EyeQue, used correctly and regularly, could actually speed up identification and treatment of pathology due to more frequent screening at home.”

More than 50,000 tests have already been taken, and the results are quite impressive: Over 90% of users who ordered glasses said their results were as good or better than their previous office visit results.

Ease of use and accuracy sums up why optometrists trust EyeQue – but personally, I have my own reasons for loving it.

Reason #1: EyeQue Saves Me TONS Of Time

I only visit my Optometrist once a year, so I didn’t expect the convenience factor to be a big deal… but it’s been huge.

Most importantly, I don’t need to visit the Optometrist to order new prescription eyeglasses. No more phone tag with the receptionist, getting out of bed, and waiting for an hour just to get results that aren’t as accurate as what I get at home.

Not to mention, my new “exam room” is much more comfortable!

Reason #2: It Paid For Itself Immediately (And Keeps Saving Me Money)

This was what convinced me to order my EyeQue, and I’m glad I did.

The EyeQue costs just $49 – far less than the $100+ co-pay at the Optometrist that I used to shell out every time I needed to update my prescription glasses.

I realized that if I was ever going to update my prescription again – even once – the EyeQue would pay for itself. Here I am, two pairs later, completely happy with the results and about $140 richer than I would be without EyeQue. Score!

Reason #3: I Trust My Results (And So Does My Optometrist)

Of course, I haven’t written my Optometrist off completely – I still visit him to keep tabs on my eye health.

However, my Optometrist trusts my EyeQue results so much that they let me skip the in-office exam. That’s the part that usually takes the longest, so my rare Optometrist appointments are a breeze.

I also share my full history of tests with him, which helps him spot problems before they arise.

Is The EyeQue Really Worth It?

Before ordering my EyeQue, I admit I hesitated. “How often do I need to take an eye exam?” I asked myself. “Do I really need this?”

As I’ve mentioned, I never realized how much the costs – and hassle – added up. Overall, I estimate I save at least 4 hours and $80 for every appointment I skip.

However, the feeling of control I now have over my vision is priceless to me. I haven’t even mentioned the fact that ordering eyeglasses online is much cheaper, plus I have way more options to choose from.

Those are enough reasons to recommend EyeQue – but when you add in the fact that my Optometrist can now give me better care (because I’m helping him get information about my eyes that he could not get otherwise)… I don’t know how I could go back to life before my EyeQue.

So yes, I’m incredibly pleased with my EyeQue – and so is my Optometrist.

Bottom line: If you wear glasses and want to save time and money AND get a more accurate prescription, you’ll love your EyeQue, too.

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