
O Avanço Notável Interrompe o Latido de Cães Em Suas Trilhas



Você não gostaria que seu cachorro estivesse calmo?

ÀS VEZES É DIFÍCIL treinar nossos amados cães para eliminar o mau comportamento. Como donos de animais, amamos tanto nossos amigos peludos que os deixamos escapar muito, apenas para descobrir que alguns comportamentos indesejados permanecem por muito tempo e começam a causar problemas.

Latir é um daqueles comportamentos que podem se tornar ruins se deixados desmarcados. O latido de um cão é o sinal de alerta dele, e muitos cães latem apenas quando sentem perigo ou sentem que precisam chamar sua atenção para algo. No outro extremo do espectro, alguns cães latem desnecessariamente para chamar a atenção e se tornar um incômodo. Outras vezes, seu cão que normalmente não late, de repente se torna um latido quando a campainha toca ou quando um trabalhador de confiança entra no quintal.

Digite Sam Small, treinador de cães da polícia extraordinário e amante de cães ao longo da vida.

É fundamental treinar seu cão para que, quando ele late, ele o faz por uma boa razão”, começa Small: “Você quer ter certeza de que, quando ele estiver latindo, ele saiba que isso deve chamar sua atenção. Você sempre quer preservar isso!

O problema, de acordo com Small, é que muitos cães treinam a si mesmos para latir em todos os momentos errados, e continuam a latir mesmo depois que você, o proprietário, determina que a casca é injustificada. Para entender o que Small está dizendo, ele gosta de recontar a história de Roxy, o pit mix que seu vizinho tinha e a força que o levou a inventar Bark Begone.

Roxy é uma bela mistura de pit que meu vizinho comprou no início deste ano. Eles a compraram como filhote ao mesmo tempo que meu vizinho teve seu primeiro filho e, como treinadora profissional de cães, eu sempre recomendo apresentar filhotes a bebês para que eles cresçam juntos e se unam muito.

Nunca ouvi um pio de Roxy ao lado nos primeiros oito meses, mas a esposa do meu vizinho voltou ao trabalho e colocou o filho na creche. Eu trabalho no turno da noite, então normalmente estou dormindo durante o dia. Foi logo depois que a criança foi colocada na creche que comecei a ouvir Roxy latindo com a cabeça durante os dias.

Um carro passaria e Roxy latiria. Ela foi mantida no quintal e o portão dava para a rua. Sempre que alguém passa, ela latia.

Um dia, eles tiveram jardineiros lá e Roxy literalmente latiu por 8 horas seguidas. Ela não parava de latir, nem tenho certeza de como ela era fisicamente capaz de latir por tanto tempo, mas o fez!

Depois daquele dia, comecei a ficar de olho em Roxy porque a vejo pela janela do meu quintal. Percebi uma mudança nos latidos de Roxy, que estavam piorando a cada dia. Anteriormente, ela latia quando via alguém passando, então os latidos paravam.

Depois de um tempo, ela não apenas latia quando via alguém passando, mas continuava latindo por até meia hora após a partida, sem motivo aparente.

Antes, ela latia apenas no dia em que meus vizinhos estavam no trabalho. Depois de um tempo, ela latia mesmo quando estavam em casa. Muitas vezes, eu a ouvia latir dentro de casa quando seus donos estavam ali!

Como treinador de cães, o que eu estava vendo era uma escalada gradual do que estava se tornando um problema, e isso me levou a agir. Eu sabia que precisava fazer algo para ajudar meus vizinhos e também para ajudar a pobre Roxy.

Keep in mind I am a pro dog trainer, so I am pretty familiar with training a dog to do the things I ask of him. The only problem is, in the police department, I am around my trainee dog 247. I take the dog home with me, and I constantly train him throughout the day.

I knew right away this tactic wasn’t going to work with Roxy, because for starters, she wasn’t my dog, and second, I didn’t have the time to train her for hours and hours every day.

What I needed to do was to devise a training method for poor Roxy that anyone could use, even someone who had zero experience training a dog. Especially for someone who had zero experience training a dog!

Also, I am a die-hard dog lover so the training needed to be 100% humane, so shock collars and muzzles were out of the question.

Then it dawned on me. In fact, the answer was hanging right around my neck….my police dog whistle. We use these whistles to get a dog’s attention when by nature it doesn’t want to pay attention, like when the dog is attacking a suspect. The dog whistle is an ultra-high-frequency sound which is painless and harmless to a dog, but will instantly get its attention and make it stop whatever it’s doing.

At first, I thought I would just give my neighbor my dog whistle until it dawned on me that they didn’t have the training to use it. You see, using a dog whistle takes practice. You have to blow on it a certain way and with a certain level of force for it to generate the right frequency. If you do it wrong, nothing comes out except air.

No, I needed to invent something that a 5-year-old child could use, over and over again with repeatable results and minimal training.

And that’s exactly what I did – and I named it Bark Begone.

I created a device that pumps out the same frequency as my dog whistle, but consistently, and over and over again. I also put a small LED light in the front of Bark Begone, to make it easier to get the dog’s attention. It took me a few months to get everything right, and when I had a working prototype I went over to my neighbor’s house and rang the doorbell.

Of course, Roxy went off, barking so loudly behind the door that my neighbor couldn’t even hear me saying “It’s me, Sam, your neighbor!”. My neighbor was completely frazzled as she opened the door, and Roxy would not stop barking even when she saw it was me, who she knows very well. Roxy kept on barking despite my neighbor saying “Roxy Stop! Roxy, it’s Sam!”

Then, the baby started crying, awoken by the racket Roxy was making. It looked like my neighbor was close to tears, while I stood there smiling. The situation was perfect for my test….I had Roxy right where I wanted her. I pulled out Bark Begone, pointed it at Roxy, who was by now foaming with excitement and barking like a maniac.

I pushed the button.

Roxy immediately stopped barking.

She sat down and looked at me, peacefully calm. “What the heck is that!!!!” Said my neighbor, her jaw on the floor looking at the remote control like Bark Begone device.

“It’s my gift to you” I said, “And if you give me a couple of hours with Roxy, I’ll show you how it works and how to train her with it”.

My neighbor was overwhelmed with emotion because even though they loved Roxy, her barking was getting to be too much. “Please help her” was all she could say.

So I took my neighbor aside and gave her the Bark Begone, and showed her what to do. It wasn’t but five minutes later that the UPS guy rang the doorbell with a delivery, and let me tell you, Roxy did not disappoint. She barked so loud she almost coughed herself to death. And I let her go for a minute just to let her get all worked up. Then, I told my neighbor what to do.

“Stand in front of her, point Bark Begone at her, and press the button”

Instantly, Roxy was silent. She sat down calmly.

As the door opened, the UPS guy asks me “What command did you use to silence that dog like that!”

“I used this,” I said, showing him the Bark Begone. Of course, as soon as I tried to hand him the Bark Begone, Roxy went into another fit of barking. Over the noise, I told the UPS guy to point it at her and press the button.

He pressed the button, and then, total silence. Roxy sat back down, calmly.

“WOW, I need to get one of these for my routes! I’m constantly dealing with barking and aggressive dogs!” He said, excited.

And that’s how Bark Begone came to be. Bark Begone was invented to be a safe, easy training aid. It had to be able to get the dog’s attention without harming the dog in any way. It had to be able to make the dog stop barking without making it feel like the dog was being punished. Lastly, it needed to be able to be used by anyone, especially people who know nothing at all about dog training.

A week later (a week of blessed silence I may add) I checked in with my neighbor. What they told me was shocking….

Not only did Roxy’s barking completely stop by using the Bark Begone, now even just waving the Bark Begone at Roxy without pressing the button made her stop barking! As the week went on, Roxy Barked less and less and then finally, only when she needed to.

My neighbors were overwhelmed with relief. It turns out their neighbor beside them was constantly calling the city to complain about Roxy’s barking and they were about to be fined $500 for a nuisance dog complaint!

Until I gave them Bark Begone, they were to the point where they were discussing getting rid of poor Roxy. I am so glad I was able to save her.

Fast forward to today, and Roxy still lives next door and is a beautiful, well behaved dog that only barks when she absolutely needs to warn her owners about something.

Bark Begone is quite literally the fastest, easiest way to train the bad behavior out of your dog.

How Bark Begone Works

Bark Begone works on the simple yet safe principle of ultrasonic sound – simply put, this is an extremely high pitched sound that can’t be heard by humans, but can be heard by dogs, cats, and other animals.

It’s safe because the sound, while high pitched, is played at a low volume – just enough to get your dog’s attention.

Bark Begone isn’t just for correcting barking – it can be used to correct any bad behavior that you want to train out of your dog, including:

  • ✅ Chewing shoes, furniture, or anything the dog isn’t supposed to chew
  • ✅ Barking
  • ✅ Begging and whining
  • ✅ Urination or defecation

Basically, Bark Begone is an effective training aid that can be used to change any behavior you don’t like, all while being perfectly safe for your dog.

The way you use it is simple. When your dog is doing a behavior you don’t like, get close to him and preferably, in between your dog and the behavior you want to stop. Let’s use barking at a ringing doorbell for example: point the Bark Begone at him, push the button, and watch as he stops barking.

When the barking stops, be sure to give your dog a treat or praise him, so that he associates the high pitched noise with a good thing – meaning whenever he hears the noise, he will stop his bad behavior and expect praise.

This is what makes Bark Begone so effective….dogs are trained best when they have a cue or stimulus to go off of, and the high pitched noise ensures they hear it immediately and thus get trained extremely fast.

Also, remember Bark Begone works on any dog – not just yours! Out for a late-night stroll? Confronted by an aggressive animal? Bark Begone can be used to make other dogs and cats stop their behaviors, and it comes equipped with a bright LED so you can use it walking at night.

We Tested Bark Begone On Dozens Of Other Dogs!

Wanting to make sure that the tests on Roxy weren’t just an anomaly, we purchased fifteen Bark Begone units and gave them to everyone we knew who had a dog. What we found, with only a couple of exceptions (more on that later) was that Bark Begone worked amazing on the following breeds of dog:

Akita • American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) • Bichon Frise • Bulldog • Chihuahua • Cocker Spaniel • Corgi • Dachshund and Mini Dachshund • German Shepherd • Golden Retriever • Greyhound • Labrador Retriever • Pit Bull Terrier • Poodle • Presa Canario • Rottweiler • Shiba Inu • Siberian Husky • Welsh Terrier • Yorkshire Terrier

Overwhelmingly, Bark Begone worked on every dog we tested it on except for two, and we tested it on almost thirty dogs!

So how about the two that it didn’t work on? Well, after not seeing good results with two of them, we called in our favorite Veterinarian, and it turns out the two dogs that Bark Begone didn’t work on were deaf! The understandable results since the dogs were both quite old!

Where Can You Get Bark Begone?

Right now it’s only available from Bark Begone’s official website.

With the full market release of their product scheduled for later this year, Bark Begone is bound to be a big hit among dog owners. As a special introductory sale, the company is offering limited quantities of this product at a deep discount for the next few weeks. Select your state below to see if they’re still available in your region.

Bark Begone is also protected by a full 30 day, no questions asked money-back guarantee. Doesn’t work for you? Send it back for a full refund!

Update: Tuesday, February 25th – Ever since Bark Begone was featured in the media, it has skyrocketed in popularity and been selling out like crazy. To say thanks the company is now offering 50% off to all new customers.

To see if they are still available in your region, click on your state or the button below.

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